Category Archives: Working

Blurred lines : Working for family pt1

Ok I recently blogged about working for for isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.
Maybe I’m just recently more frustrated with the work place and it’s goings on here. To me where is the line drawn for knowing the employee relationship and the father/son or my case daughter-in-law to in-law relationship. Since I’ve been here (10years est) I’ve often not known where it is. I try to distinguish it my being here like I should like every other employee and not acting above others. As I’m not above others I do get fussed at when I’m wrong , I don’t get bonuses bc I’m family, I don’t have a company car or credit card.
But this week as almost brought me to a new level of frustration. My in law who doesn’t own our cars nor helped get them tells my husband (his son) that he needs to drive to work so he can go get parts , at first not offering to reimburse gas money, and everyone knows gas isn’t cheap. (I also drive to work my car is always here therefore he has a car here he can use ). Our cars are old 97 and 98 models bought used they both have lots of miles on them .Now how does my husband handle this ,I have idea what I would of said ,but my husband saids no. Later our boss offered to reimburse gas money which is a plus.
But I still don’t see how my husband does it. I always do what is asked of me and more around work.
I know the mentality of my father in law has always been “I’m the boss ”
even in an normal conversation not work related.
Part 2 will be soon

Working for family isn’t what one might think

I am a in-law that works for my husbands family. This is the second time I’ve worked with family members.
Let me tell you it isn’t what it’s cracked up to be on either job.
I think that there are pros to working with my husbands family such as getting time off I need or want but most of our employees have that here We are a small company so everyone knows everyone and their business almost. But the longer I’m here the more I see how this business could be run better or maybe just not being blind to the situations around.
I came to this job about 10 years ago with the understanding I would learn the normal day to day office duties and learn other upper position duties.
With in this time I’ve learned very little upper duties , I want to learn and do these things that’s why I’m suppose to be here. With in this time I’ve still making very little money I’ve only gotten one raise since being here and that’s only when I was offered an old job back for more money. Let’s just say I could work at a fast food place or big box store for more money with benefits !
I love my in-laws don’t get me wrong.
I didn’t marry for money that’s for sure because me and my husband don’t have much. We live within our means and have not overspent on anything.
I did maybe expect more than I thought coming into this job I saw the potential to maybe being an upper in this company. 10 years later I’m still doing regular day to day office work nothing more !